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A common orb spider web
A flat surface has unused potential
A good teacher is a DJ for learning
A little bit of slope makes up for a lot of y-intercept.
A mistake
A portfolio can reduce your overall risk
A release strategy for happier customers, sooner
A spectrum of feedback quality
A world of 4 income levels
Ablaut reduplication
Accept compliments
Accept offers
Accuracy and precision
Acronyms and initialisms
Addiction: an alternative definition
Adjust a photo’s levels to maximise your data
Adjust your daily caffeine intake
Advise vs advice and other s and c's
Affect. Effect
Air-write before inking
Align windows level at the top.
Alternate ibuprofen and paracetamol
Altruism and ambition
Always accept a mint when offered
Amphitheatre and theatre
An americano and a long black: the difference
Analytics maturity
Anatomy of a wave
Anchors and tugboats
Animals that regenerate
Ape index
Approach buffets from both sides
Approaches to asset valuation: Castles in the air and firm foundations
Arrange kitchen storage to minimise excess travel
Ask a question early at conferences
Ask for what you need
Ask the question at talks
Asking for What You Want
Asteroids, meteors and meteorites
Asymmetry of returns
Atmospheric perspective
Attribution bias
Autumn leaves and the compounds that cause their colours
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Babies learn control from the top down
Back sleepers, side sleepers
Bactrian or dromedary camel? Never be confused again
Bad internet is worse than no internet
Banner cloud
Be a type geek
Be fanatical about refuelling after exercise
Be nice to tourists
Be open to be changed
Be real on the internets
Be stubborn on vision. Be flexible on details
Beaches: amazing for play
Bellini — blini
Benefits to you from getting started
Best travel choices in London
Better to be interested than try to be interesting
Beware of local optimisation
Biceps, triceps, quadriceps
Birthday creep
Black swan events
Blending buildings
Bloody marys
Bloom's Taxonomy
Bortle Scale
Box breathing
Bright light will free your sneeze
Brilliance bias
Bugs and releases
Build a mindmap
Build a play tent
Build Your Panel of Advisors to Ask for Advice
Building a good framework is like cutting cubes out of fog — Larry Keeley
Bull market, bear market
Bus factor
Buy half-price stilton after Christmas
Buyer’s remorse
Buying a Christmas tree in London
By monkeys
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Cafe consumption rates
Cake wreck
Camel identification: 1 hump dromedary, 2 humps bactrian
Campbell’s law
Canal Locks
Catch drilling dust with a Post it
Challenge questions
Chaos monkey
Cheap disposable objects
Chesterton's fence
Chickens and pigs
Chihuahua syndrome
Childhood is not a race
Chindogu: unuseless inventions
Choose passwords that make you happy
Choose the fast line
Circular breathing
Clap the first talk at events
Classical columns: doric, ionic, and corinthian
Clear is kind
Clear the fog with a redeye
Climate anxiety
Close your mouth while brushing to avoid mirror spots
Cognitive bias, heuristic, logical fallacy: hidden features of the mind
Cognitive overhead
Collective effervescence
Commitment device
Common button states
Common distributions: normal, skewed, pareto
Common wood joints
Complaining at the weather
Compliment and Complement
Compliments are gifts
Compose a cheeseboard
Compose with the rule of thirds
Confirmation bias
Connect with a colleague through affinities
Consider starting at the next letter (when scanning address books)
Content drift
Context is king
Continuous partial attention
Control a cue ball
Conway’s Law
Cook delicious, yummy, Thai curry
Cook rice like a pro
Cooking at altitude
Cooking is bucket science
Core components of risk
Core insect anatomy
Correlation is not causation
Crazy English: ghoti
Cream tea: Cornwall vs Devon
Create a sketchplanation
Crossmodal perception
Curly hair is oval
Cut an onion into teeny pieces
Cut out some fluff
Cuts of beef
Cycle with hats not hoods
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Dark and light are the keys to one-way mirrors
Dark patterns
Darwin’s 5 principles of Natural Selection
Data Information Knowledge Wisdom
Days of the week
De-seed pomegranates in a bowl of water
Debt’s vicious cycle
Decorate a Christmas tree
Delete tracks you don’t like
Deseed a pomegranate
Design by committee
Design for a Glance, a Look and a Read
Designing for adoption
Desire path
Detecting prostate cancer: old way, new way
Direct and representative democracy
Dirty thunderstorm
Discovering Truth and Beauty and Sharing it with others
Do a 2x2
Do horses legs leave the ground at a gallop?
Does this spark joy?
Doing an endo
Don't ask the barber if you need a haircut
Don’t cut the nose off brie
Don't fill the silence
Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem
Don’t hold grudges
Don’t let other people get you down
Don’t let your thinking be limited by your tools
Don’t make important decisions on an empty stomach
Don’t push your socks on. Pull them on instead
Don’t stack letters vertically. Turn your words instead
Double-landlocked countries
Dracula sneeze
Draw a basic bike
Draw a chain
Draw a grey nurse shark
Draw a unicorn, Ed Emberley style
Draw iconic objects
Draw smooth lines
Draw what you see, not what you think
Drink porn fizz
Dry your feet first
Dry your hands with only one towel
Dunbar’s number: 150
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Earth is a big magnet.
Easily draw expressions
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants
Eat the frog
Either draw stick men or real people. Avoid halfway
Emotional hot potato
Enjoy your hotel room more
Enough molehills make a mountain
Enrich your design process
Equality and equity
Euphemisms for losing money
Everyone’s a geek about something
Everyone's a Geek About Something — Revised and Expanded
Everything is aiming
Express - Test - Cycle
Extrinsic motivation
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F-Shaped Reading
Fact tennis
Fading affect bias
Fahrenheit and Celsius
Fast and slow thinking
Features are like pets
Feedback Analysis
Feedback fear
Fight or Flight
Figure and ground
Film credits: the best source of baby name inspiration
Find the North star
Find your why not
Finishing lines
Fitts’ Law
Fix out of synch toilet paper.
Fix wobbly tables by rotating
Flash-to-bang method
Flatten the curve of an outbreak
Flotsam and jetsam
Fold away keyboard feet
Fold shirts for better travel
Fold t-shirts vertically for visibility and easy access
Folding a fitted sheet
For the amour of it
For want of a nail
Forcing function
Forcing function — design
Forest bathing
Freeze lemons and limes
Front load names to cue attention
Front of house, back of house
Front stage, back stage
Fruit vs vegetable
Fungible - non-fungible
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Gelato, sorbet and ice-cream
Gestalt principles
Get good ideas
Get more participation
Get satisfaction and a clear record of past to-dos with checkboxes
Get to know your tech
Ghost cooking
Ghost fishing
Ghost grid
Give air a pathway to avoid glugging
Give gifts others can give
Give good feedback
Glacial erratic
Goldilocks tasks
Goodhart’s Law: when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.
Great Britain and the United Kingdom: What’s the difference?
Grow not in each other's shadow
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Hanlon's Razor
Happy talk must die
Hara Hachi Bu
Hard things to do with your other hand
Heat islands
Heating people, heating spaces
Hedgehog a mango
Herd immunity
Heteronym: spell it the same, say it differently
Hit a perfect high 5
Hit the product sweet spot
Hitched to everything else in the universe
Hofstadter’s Law
Homo sapiens. Our place in the order of things
Homonyms, homographs, homophones, heteronyms…
Hotel Drying Technique
Hotel HQ
How a lip stops drips.
How do barnacles move anyway?
How long to nap
How owls’ necks turn so far round
How to be a spoil sport
How to get off at Russell Square
How to grow your own fresh air
How to load a dishwasher well
How to make Irish coffee
How to play reverse pool
How to remember if you did something
How to speak plainly, by Pooh Bear
How to tell a centipede from a millipede
How to wash your hands
Human risk
Hump-back stations
Hybrid meetings
Hyperbolic discounting
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I bet this’ll get a lot of likes
Iceberg orientation
Identify a Douglas fir
If its not good enough for bugs, it’s not good enough for you
If we plumbed in printers
If you have something nice to say, make sure you say it
If you live ‘til you’re 90 you will have slept for 32 years
Implementation intentions
Impossible staircase
Imposter syndrome
Improve your front crawl
In tandem
In theory, practice is the same as theory, but not in practice
Incredibly, we only ever see one side of the moon
Information radiator
Inverted pyramid writing
Investments are like building blocks
Iron less
ISAs are like buckets
ISAs are like wrappers
Isometric projection
It's easier to give privacy than to find it
It’s not so much the weather itself, it’s the unpredictability
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Jevon’s Paradox
Johari Window — A Model for Self-Awareness, Feedback, and Personal Growth
Joy and vulnerability
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Kayak vs Canoe: What's the difference?
Kitchen table survival skills
Kitty Hawk moment
Know your clouds
Know your dashes: the hyphen, en dash and em dash
Know your flying fabrics
Know your Greek alphabet
Know your poles
Koomey’s Law
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Labyrinths and mazes
Lake-effect snow
Lateral thinking: 1. Lateral thinking is about increasing the breadth of options
Lateral thinking: 2. Labels are not collectors but signposts. They are not fixed
Lateral thinking: 3. You don’t have to be right at every step
Lateral thinking: 4. Lateral thinking changes perspective just to be provocative
Law of diminishing returns
Laws of expansion
Leading and lagging metrics
Leading from Any Chair
Learn kind words first in new countries
Learn the Kano model
LEGO faces
Lenticular clouds
Less and Fewer
Lessons from Lewis
Let your data speak for itself.
Life is 3D. Give edges thickness
Listen with passion
Live in the present
London dog size is roughly proportional to the distance from central London
London running kit
Looking under the lamppost: the Streetlight Effect or the Drunkard's Search
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Make a cork pourer.
Make a good HDR photograph
Make a portemanteau
Make a Statue of Liberty sambuca
Make a Wayne’s World pizza
Make a wine glass sing
Make art like Duchamp
Make art like John Cage
Make art like Mondrian
Make art like Warhol
Make Terry’s Chocolate Orange drink
Make Vietnamese coffee
Make your idea sticky
Manager time, maker time
Mapping emotions
Marchetti’s constant
Marshal frozen peas and such
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
Match challenge with skills for flow at work
Match your energy with the audience
Maximise data-ink
Me or I
Mean world syndrome
Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode
Mental accounting
Metaphors for ideas
Metcalfe’s Law
Micro-editing redundant words
Microlife: The unit of life
Micromort: The unit of death
Mix big and little bumps for simple, effective thought bubbles
Mobile is snorkelling. Desktop is diving
Möbius strip
Moon pool
Moore’s Law
More is different
MOSCOW Prioritisation.
Muddy puddles, leaky ceilings
Muphry’s Law
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Naismith's Rule for mountain hiking time
Narrative bias
Net Promoter Score
Never say “I told you so.”
Nominative determinism
Non-stacking Tupperware should be destroyed
Notice when you're happy: If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is
Nurse log
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Often missed phobias
Omit unnecessary words
On bright days, use a polarizer
On microwaves
On productivity and temperature
One in a Row
One mug to rule them all
One-buttock playing
One-point perspective
Only dead fish go with the flow
Only quote quotes
Open a coconut
Open bananas like a monkey
Optimism bias
Ordering adjectives
Organise veg in the fridge
Origins of Boxing Day
Origins of mandarins
Orthographic projection
Our atmosphere is as thick for the Earth a the skin on an apple
Our bodies can absorb 1 cup of water in 15 mins
Our senses are built to take in information at human pace
Overnight success
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Pace layers
Pack food shopping effectively
Painkillers and vitamins
Palindromes and Semordnilap
Parts of a circle
Party bottle sizes
Passing on an inside bend
Patnaik’s Hierarchy of Needs
Peel a Post-it so it doesn’t fall down
Perform good social research
Phases of the moon
PhD metaphors: a journey, product and quilt
Phoenix trees
Phone zombie
Phonetic alphabet
Physics Envy
Pick a present
Pillars of hope
Plan ahead
Play your own Scattergories
Plug computing
Poach an egg in the microwave
Point Nemo: The Most Remote Place on Earth and the Spacecraft Graveyard
Point positive
Pole star
Pollution is highly localized: take the back streets
Ponderosa pine fire protections
Portemanteau food
POSH: Port Out Starboard Home (apocryphal)
Post-process a portrait
Pound cost averaging
Pour, don’t dip when sharing snacks
Powers of 10
Prefer open-ended questions
Present bias
Prices written smaller seem more affordable
Primary metaphor
Prints and performances
Progressive enhancement
Proportionality bias
Prospect theory
Psychic numbing
Public commitment pledge
Pulling rabbits out of hats
Push authority to information
Putting it all together: Exposure
Pyrrhic victory
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Quotiquette: The etiquette of quoting
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Rain shadow
RAS Syndrome
Read music
Reasons stop mattering
Rebalancing your portfolio
Recession vs depression
Red volcano, grey volcano
Reef knot and clove hitch
Reframe your deposit
Release Boris Bikes with ease by pulling up on the saddle
Remember days in a month
Remember your dreams
Remove text formatting
Remove troublesome lids
Repair injured joints with RICE
Replicate then innovate
Resolve a contradiction through separation
Rewrite to avoid click here
Rival and non-rival goods
Rivers and buckets
Roll limes before squeezing and you’ll get more juice
Rose, Thorn, Bud
Rotate your elbow, not your hand
Rule 1 of indoor games: Play until something gets broken
Rules of cute
Rules of thumb for cooking steak
Rules of thumb for remaining daylight
Run better
Run further by running far away
Russell's Teapot
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Sales aren’t always the bargain they seem
Sampling bias
Sankey diagram
Santa has special wrapping
Santo libre, cuba libre
Save some landfill with reusable nappies/diapers
Scan your Oyster card while walking to avoid angry Londoners
Scoville scale: chile heat via capsaicin content
Sea jelly, sea star
Second cousins once removed.
Second rule of improv: Be spontaneous
Self-serving bias
Set an anchor
Set up for pool
Set your table in time-honoured positions.
Settlement patterns
Sexy value
Shapes of Valleys
Share by Default
Sharing your work
Sharpen the saw
Shop healthy
Short speeches
Short words are best
Shut one eye to keep your night vision
Sink a strawpedo
Six thinking hats
Sketchplanation statistics
Sleepy foods
Smaller plates help you eat less
Smart little people
Sneaky averages
Sneaky casinos
Sneaky cognitive biases: hindsight bias, loss aversion, recency bias
Sneezes and coughs
Solar system planets: how big is the solar system?
Solve the 9-dot problem
Solvitur ambulando
Some optical illusions
Some sensible interaction design
Sonar + Echolocation
Sonic boom
Spend better
Spend time on activities with long-term value first
Stages of competence framework
Stages of grief
Stalactites, Stalagmites
Stand diagonally on transport
Stand sit lie
Stand, don’t sit, in bars, if you’re there with a big group
Start three mindmaps at conferences and workshops
Starting a company
States of matter
Stationary and Stationery
Steer a parakite
Stock, Broth, Jus
Stop chopping board slip
Store whiteboard pens with the nib down
Strahler stream order: Streams, rivers, the Amazon and how to organise them.
Strand line
Submarine shower
Survivorship bias
Survivorship bias
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T-shaped people need breadth and depth
T-shirts make a team
Take a photo with your iPhone
Take photos of maps, to travel light and have backup before a hike
Take the stairs
Tame unruly crisp packets
Tax freedom day
Tectonic plate interaction boundaries
Temptation bundling
The ‘Virtuous Cycles’ of Amazon and Uber
The 10 Essentials
The 3 Main Types of Surf Breaks Explained
The 3 tallest mountains
The 3-day effect
The 4 horsemen of relationship apocalypse
The 5 Gift Guide for Christmas
The 9 times table on your fingers
The Abilene paradox
The accountability ladder
the Angle of Incidence equals the Angle of Reflection
The Automation Paradox
The availability heuristic (and bias)
The bandwagon effect
The Barnum effect
The basic colour wheel
The beard cycle
The best way to get fit
The best writing is re-writing
The Betty Crocker Effect
The big data equation
The Big Ideal ™
The blind and the elephant
The Blur Your Eyes Test
The Boaty McBoatface effect
The browse line
The BS asymmetry principle
The Bullwhip Effect
The business flywheel
The Bystander Effect
The cave you fear to enter
The Chinese Zodiac: Animals, Years, and Meanings
The classic twit-twoo is actually a duet
The coastline paradox
The cobra effect
The content is the interface
The continental axis hypothesis
The cost of being late
The cost of doing nothing
The cost of fixing bugs
The curb-cut effect
The customer value chain
The dangers of just this once
The data prison
The decoy price
The Destiny Instinct
The Diderot Effect
The different faces of downhill
The dilution effect
The doorstep mile
The Doppler Effect
The Droste effect
The Effect Effect
The Egg Float Test
The Environment as the Third Teacher in Early Childhood and Beyond
The expanding circle of attention
The Feynman Learning Technique
The Fifth Fuel: energy efficiency
The finger-dip test to not overwater houseplants
The Firehouse Effect
The first draft is always perfect
The folk economics of ins and outs
The four pillars of too much
The frequency illusion: we notice what’s top of mind
The fresh start effect
The frog boil metaphor
The front page test
The fun scale: understanding the types of fun
The Fundamental Attribution Error
The Gartner Hype cycle
The Generalised Peter Principle
The Gini coefficient
The goal-gradient effect
The golden circle
The Golden Ratio: Nature's Perfect Proportions
The Goldilocks Zone
The half-life of caffeine
The haversine formula
The Hungry Gap
The ice mile
The IKEA effect
The Implicit Association Test
The importance/urgency matrix
The improv attitude
The isolation effect
The Keeling curve
The kitchen working triangle
The knowledge funnel
The Lake Wobegon Effect
The law of diminishing brownies
The law of lockers
The law of unintended consequences
The Learning Pit
The liar paradox
The Long Nose of Innovation
The Lucretius problem
The magic of soap
The magnificent seven
The making of the Med
The Mercator projection
The metrics onion
The middle floors are the best
The misattribution of arousal
The Monty Hall problem
The moon illusion
The most beautiful equation
The nocebo effect
The Normalisation of Deviance
The number of ideas produced in an ideation session is proportional to the size of the stack of paper in front of you
The offside rule
The Olympic Flag
The one-hoss shay
The Overton Window
The Overview Effect A Profound Shift in Perspective
The Oxford comma
The paradise paradox
The paradox of choice
The peak-end rule
The Peter Principle
The piston
The placebo effect
The Plimsoll line
The Pomodoro Technique: Stay Focused and Get More Done
The position of a rainbow is predictable
The Potato Radius: When Asteroids Turn Spherical
The power of streaks
The prisoner’s dilemma
The Pyramid Principle
The Rashomon effect
The real shape of a crossing
The Rhyme As Reason Effect
The ring-segment illusion
The Rosetta Stone
The rule of 7
The S-curve
The Shirky Principle
The singularity effect
The spectrum policy
The spotlight effect
The Square-Cube law
The steeper the slope the greater the lean forward
The story spine
The street food open-air kitchen
The Streisand Effect
The Stroop test
The sun rises Early in the East
The Swiss Cheese Model
The tastes of victory and failure
The Third Place
The Three Bricklayers Story
The tomato test
The tragedy of the commons
The transparency paradox
The travelling salesman problem
The trust battery: A handy metaphor to think about trust
The trust equation
The two generals problem
The tyranny of small decisions
The Union Jack
The Upward Spiral
The Village Venus Effect
The virtuous cycle of exercise and sleep
The wedding bar goes up the more weddings you attend
The Wheel of Death
The Windscreen Phenomenon
The Writer's in the Writing. The Artist's in the Art.
The XY Problem
There are 2.2 trillion combinations of an 8 character password
There is no "away"
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis
Things get more complex before they get simple
Think cradle to cradle
Think through the whole object
Thoughtless acts
Three Types of "No"
Three-point perspective
Thunder clouds
Thunderclap or rumble
Tie a sheet bend
Time hierarchy
Tiredness can kill. Take a break
Topple-fit a sheet
Travel and new foods
Treat your ideas with respect
Trim beans in one cut through the packet
Trust your picture
Try a mindmap travel journal
Try stair kickturns to preserve momentum
Turn carrots while cutting
Twice as much thought and half as much content
Twist your spaghetti
Two socks helps prevent blisters
Two types of checklists: Read-Do, Do-Confirm
Two-point perspective
Types of phishing
Typical gastropod anatomy
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UK vs US date writing
Umbrellas and funnels
Understanding aperture
Understanding gifs, bitmaps and jpegs
Understanding ISO
Understanding reliability and validity
Understanding shutter speed
Understanding the Chasm
Unlike most plants, grass grows from the base
Urge to underline? Use bold or italic instead
Urinal etiquette
Use a compass with a map
Use both sides of a towel
Use crushed garlic and ginger in most of your cooking
Use of the car horn
Use serrated knives for foods with a hard outside and soft inside
Use styling instead of colons
Use the Southern Cross to find South
Use white space with care to make your point
Useful mixtures and their proportions
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Veblen goods
Venomous, poisonous - what’s the difference?
Visitors from other climates
Volunteer your own booking fee
Vultures have bald heads to…
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Wabi sabi
Want to compose? Just sit down without any music
Watch for the lie factor
Watch out for barnacles
Wealth inequality in America
Weather and climate: an analogy
What drives us: autonomy, mastery, purpose
What gets measured gets better
What is a blue moon?
What is Rubberducking? An Explanation of the Rubber Duck Debugging Technique
What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?
What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator
What’s the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise
What’s the difference between a tortoise and a turtle
What’s the difference between mandarins, clementines, satsumas and tangerines?
When combining cereals, layer milk-resistant cereals at the bottom
When drinking tea, just drink tea
When facilitating, if you’re talking too much, or working too hard, you’re probably doing something wrong
When visual recording
Who cut down the last tree?
Whose job is it?
Why camp 50 yards from water
Why do birds migrate sooooo far?
Why ice doesn’t sink
Why we sometimes walk in circles
Win at Boggle
Win at Monopoly
Winking in the dark
Without data you're just another person with an opinion
Word spectrum
Wrap cheese in paper towel to reduce mould
Wrap up your keys for running
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Yak shaving
Yes Sayers are Rewarded by Adventure, No Sayers are Rewarded by Safety
Yesterday’s weather
You get what you measure
Your ISA allowance is one-way
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Zigzag trenches
Zip backpacks to the side
Zone of Possible Agreement
Zone of proximal development
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