Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey
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Cafe consumption ratesCake wreckCamel identification: 1 hump dromedary, 2 humps bactrianCampbell’s lawCanal LocksCapitonymCatch drilling dust with a Post itChallenge questionsChaos monkeyCheap disposable objectsChesterton's fenceChickens and pigsChihuahua syndromeChildhood is not a raceChindoguChindogu: unuseless inventionsChoose passwords that make you happyChoose the fast lineCircular breathingClap the first talk at eventsClassical columns: doric, ionic, and corinthianClear is kindClear the fog with a redeyeClimate anxietyClose your mouth while brushing to avoid mirror spotsCognitive bias, heuristic, logical fallacy: hidden features of the mindCognitive overheadCollective effervescenceCommitment deviceCommon button statesCommon distributions: normal, skewed, paretoCommon wood jointsComplaining at the weatherCompliment and ComplementCompliments are giftsCompose a cheeseboardCompose with the rule of thirdsConfirmation biasConnect with a colleague through affinitiesConsider starting at the next letter (when scanning address books)Content driftContext is kingContinuous partial attentionContranymControl a cue ballConway’s LawCook delicious, yummy, Thai curryCook rice like a proCooking at altitudeCooking is bucket scienceCore components of riskCore insect anatomyCorrelation is not causationCounter-shadingCrazy English: ghotiCream tea: Cornwall vs DevonCreate a sketchplanationCrossmodal perceptionCurly hair is ovalCut an onion into teeny piecesCut out some fluffCuts of beefCycle with hats not hoods


Sales aren’t always the bargain they seemSampling biasSankey diagramSanta has special wrappingSanto libre, cuba libreSave some landfill with reusable nappies/diapersScan your Oyster card while walking to avoid angry LondonersSchadenfreudeScoville scale: chile heat via capsaicin contentSea jelly, sea starSeasonsSecond cousins once removed.Second rule of improv: Be spontaneousSelf-serving biasSet an anchorSet up for poolSet your table in time-honoured positions.Settlement patternsSexy valueShapes of ValleysShare by DefaultSharing your workSharpen the sawShop healthyShort speechesShort words are bestShut one eye to keep your night visionSink a strawpedoSiphonSix thinking hatsSketchplanation statisticsSkeuomorphSleepy foodsSmaller plates help you eat lessSmart little peopleSneaky averagesSneaky casinosSneaky cognitive biases: hindsight bias, loss aversion, recency biasSneezes and coughsSnerdleSolar system planets: how big is the solar system?SolsticeSolve the 9-dot problemSolvitur ambulandoSome optical illusionsSome sensible interaction designSonar + EcholocationSonic boomSpend betterSpend time on activities with long-term value firstSpoonerismsStages of competence frameworkStages of griefStalactites, StalagmitesStand diagonally on transportStand sit lieStand, don’t sit, in bars, if you’re there with a big groupStart three mindmaps at conferences and workshopsStarting a companyStates of matterStationary and StationerySteer a parakiteStock, Broth, JusStop chopping board slipStore whiteboard pens with the nib downStrahler stream order: Streams, rivers, the Amazon and how to organise them.Strand lineSubmarine showerSupermoonSurvivorship biasSurvivorship biasSwimrun


T-shaped people need breadth and depthT-shirts make a teamTake a photo with your iPhoneTake photos of maps, to travel light and have backup before a hikeTake the stairsTame unruly crisp packetsTax freedom dayTectonic plate interaction boundariesTemptation bundlingThe ‘Virtuous Cycles’ of Amazon and UberThe 10 EssentialsThe 3 Main Types of Surf Breaks ExplainedThe 3 tallest mountainsThe 3-day effectThe 4 horsemen of relationship apocalypseThe 5 Gift Guide for ChristmasThe 9 times table on your fingersThe Abilene paradoxThe accountability ladderthe Angle of Incidence equals the Angle of ReflectionThe Automation ParadoxThe availability heuristic (and bias)The bandwagon effectThe Barnum effectThe basic colour wheelThe beard cycleThe best way to get fitThe best writing is re-writingThe Betty Crocker EffectThe big data equationThe Big Ideal ™The blind and the elephantThe Blur Your Eyes TestThe Boaty McBoatface effectThe browse lineThe BS asymmetry principleThe Bullwhip EffectThe business flywheelThe Bystander EffectThe cave you fear to enterThe Chinese Zodiac: Animals, Years, and MeaningsThe classic twit-twoo is actually a duetThe coastline paradoxThe cobra effectThe content is the interfaceThe continental axis hypothesisThe cost of being lateThe cost of doing nothingThe cost of fixing bugsThe curb-cut effectThe customer value chainThe dangers of just this onceThe data prisonThe decoy priceThe Destiny InstinctThe Diderot EffectThe different faces of downhillThe dilution effectThe doorstep mileThe Doppler EffectThe Droste effectThe Effect EffectThe Egg Float TestThe Environment as the Third Teacher in Early Childhood and BeyondThe expanding circle of attentionThe Feynman Learning TechniqueThe Fifth Fuel: energy efficiencyThe finger-dip test to not overwater houseplantsThe Firehouse EffectThe first draft is always perfectThe folk economics of ins and outsThe four pillars of too muchThe frequency illusion: we notice what’s top of mindThe fresh start effectThe frog boil metaphorThe front page testThe fun scale: understanding the types of funThe Fundamental Attribution ErrorThe Gartner Hype cycleThe Generalised Peter PrincipleThe Gini coefficientThe goal-gradient effectThe golden circleThe Golden Ratio: Nature's Perfect ProportionsThe Goldilocks ZoneThe half-life of caffeineThe haversine formulaThe Hungry GapThe ice mileThe IKEA effectThe Implicit Association TestThe importance/urgency matrixThe improv attitudeThe isolation effectThe Keeling curveThe kitchen working triangleThe knowledge funnelThe Lake Wobegon EffectThe law of diminishing browniesThe law of lockersThe law of unintended consequencesThe Learning PitThe liar paradoxThe Long Nose of InnovationThe Lucretius problemThe magic of soapThe magnificent sevenThe making of the MedThe Mercator projectionThe metrics onionThe middle floors are the bestThe misattribution of arousalThe Monty Hall problemThe moon illusionThe most beautiful equationThe nocebo effectThe Normalisation of DevianceThe number of ideas produced in an ideation session is proportional to the size of the stack of paper in front of youThe offside ruleThe Olympic FlagThe one-hoss shayThe Overton WindowThe Overview Effect A Profound Shift in PerspectiveThe Oxford commaThe paradise paradoxThe paradox of choiceThe peak-end ruleThe Peter PrincipleThe pistonThe placebo effectThe Plimsoll lineThe Pomodoro Technique: Stay Focused and Get More DoneThe position of a rainbow is predictableThe Potato Radius: When Asteroids Turn SphericalThe power of streaksThe prisoner’s dilemmaThe Pyramid PrincipleThe Rashomon effectThe real shape of a crossingThe Rhyme As Reason EffectThe ring-segment illusionThe Rosetta StoneThe rule of 7The S-curveThe Shirky PrincipleThe singularity effectThe spectrum policyThe spotlight effectThe Square-Cube lawThe steeper the slope the greater the lean forwardThe story spineThe street food open-air kitchenThe Streisand EffectThe Stroop testThe sun rises Early in the EastThe Swiss Cheese ModelThe tastes of victory and failureThe Third PlaceThe Three Bricklayers StoryThe tomato testThe tragedy of the commonsThe transparency paradoxThe travelling salesman problemThe trust battery: A handy metaphor to think about trustThe trust equationThe two generals problemThe tyranny of small decisionsThe Union JackThe Upward SpiralThe Village Venus EffectThe virtuous cycle of exercise and sleepThe wedding bar goes up the more weddings you attendThe Wheel of DeathThe Windscreen PhenomenonThe Writer's in the Writing. The Artist's in the Art.The XY ProblemThere are 2.2 trillion combinations of an 8 character passwordThere is no "away"Thesis, antithesis, synthesisThings get more complex before they get simpleThink cradle to cradleThink through the whole objectThoughtless actsThree Types of "No"Three-point perspectiveThunder cloudsThunderclap or rumbleTie a sheet bendTime hierarchyTiredness can kill. Take a breakTopple-fit a sheetTravel and new foodsTreat your ideas with respectTrim beans in one cut through the packetTrust your pictureTry a mindmap travel journalTry stair kickturns to preserve momentumTsundokuTurn carrots while cuttingTwice as much thought and half as much contentTwist your spaghettiTwo socks helps prevent blistersTwo types of checklists: Read-Do, Do-ConfirmTwo-point perspectiveTypes of phishingTypical gastropod anatomy
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