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Make your idea sticky

What is the SUCCESS framework for making ideas sticky from the book Made to Stick, highlighting six principles: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and Stories

SUCCESS is a mnemonic for making your idea sticky, from the entertaining and informative book Made to Stick , by the Heath brothers. It outlines six principles that help ideas resonate, stay memorable, and inspire action: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and Stories.

Simple: Strip your idea down to its core, making it easy to understand and remember.

Unexpected: Capture attention by surprising your audience or breaking their expectations.

Concrete: Use vivid, tangible details to make your idea real and relatable.

Credible: Build trust by including authority, data, or real-world examples.

Emotional: Tap into emotions to make your message resonate on a deeper level.

Stories: Use storytelling to create connection and drive engagement.

By applying these steps, you can communicate ideas that stick in the minds of your audience long after they’re shared.

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Examples of the principles of Made to Stick in action:

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