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Ghost grid

Examples of a ghost grid: a lightly dotted grid, and a grid of ghostly houses so that extension options can clearly be seen
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A ghost grid is a guide for organising thoughts, information and sketches, that doesn't compete with content.

Content itself can also be the ghost grid to highlight changes and help draw comparisons — as when you might sketch options for extending a house or designing a garden.

A grid is useful for structure and creation but needs to fade back from content or disappear when no longer needed. Like freeing data from its data prison, a ghost grid emphasises content and information without non-data-ink taking attention.

I learned the term ghost grid from Edward Tufte 's Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth .

I rarely buy other notebooks for work than a dot grid, preferably in a funky colour. Some of my favourites: Leuchtterm dot grid hardcover , Moleskine dot grid softcover , Moo soft cover dotted journals

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