Crazy English: ghoti

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Ghoti is a constructed word intended to illustrate some of the craziness in English punctuation, in that, taking the sounds of its parts from different places, it could be said as fish.
- Said as: fish
- Written as: ghoti
- Derived from: enouGH, wOmen, naTIon
In my book -ough, in particular, is the craziest as in enough, thorough, bough, through, although - all pronounced totally differently.
I’d heard it credited to George Bernard Shaw, but apparently, his biography credits it to an ‘anonymous spelling reformer’.
Related Ideas to Ghoti
Also see:
- Anadiplosis
- Ordering English adjectives
- Ablaut Reduplication
- Homonyms, homographs, homophones and heteronyms
- Pleonasm