Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations in a book! I think you'll love Big Ideas Little Pictures

Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Compose a cheeseboard

Compose a cheeseboard illustration: a delicious-looking platter is presented with a wide selection of cheeses; soft, hard, round, blue-veined and riddled with holes. In amongst the cheeses we find a colourful range of items to complement flavours; olives, nuts, pickles, cured meats and dried fruit.

A cheeseboard is a highlight of the holidays for me. Here are some simple guidelines on how to create a winning one that looks and tastes the part.

I think the key really is the range of textures in the cheese. If you’ve got a hard, semi-hard, and soft cheese you’re onto a good start. If you can add in a crumbly and creamy and make sure you have a range of strengths from mild to mature, stinky or blue you’re onto a winner. Then make it amazing by adding complements from the sweet and salty buckets and don’t forget the crackers and breads.

If you want show off, try to cover a range of cheese shapes, colours and milks such as goats and sheep as well.


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