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Bloom's Taxonomy

Blooms Taxonomy explanation: A series of 6 building blocks are stacked on top of each other, decreasing in size as they go up, creating a pyramid-style construction. Each block represents one of 6 thinking skills. These skills become more sophisticated as the pyramid climbs and reminds us that the foundation of learning is knowledge.
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Bloom's taxonomy has 6 levels of increasingly sophisticated thinking skills.

It was originally developed in a slightly different form to here for classifying educational objectives and with additional variations, dimensions and sub-levels in the full models, it is useful for informing teaching and learning.

The hierarchy reflects, among other things, that a strong foundation for learning is knowledge.

The Six Levels in Bloom's Taxonomy

The 6 levels in the revised Bloom's Taxonomy for learning are:

  1. Remember
  2. Understand
  3. Apply
  4. Analyze
  5. Evaluate
  6. Create

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