Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey
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Wabi sabi

An old bonsai tree with just a few green leaves in a bowl together with fallen maple leaves and a short definition of Wabi Sabi
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Wabi sabi is a beautiful Japanese idea and worldview of appreciating the small traits of imperfection, the changes in things as they age, and that nothing is wholly complete. It might be appreciating the unique unevenness in a handmade bowl, the cracks and weathering of wood as it is grows old, or the softened and coloured pages of an old book.

It's a lovely frame of mind that helps us see the beauty in things that aren't perfect and brand new. As a society, it's probably something we could do with more of.

The simple phrasing of nothing lasts, nothing is finished and nothing is perfect is from Wabi Sabi Simple by Richard Powell.

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