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food and drink
The open-air kitchen
Hara Hachi Bu
Bellini — blini
Cake wreck
The tomato test
The metrics onion
When drinking tea, just drink tea
Stock, Broth, Jus
Deseed a pomegranate
Stop chopping board slip
The Egg Float Test
Fruit vs vegetable
The Hungry Gap
Compose a cheeseboard
The kitchen working triangle
Crossmodal perception
Tame unruly crisp packets
Party bottle sizes
Santo libre, cuba libre
The half-life of caffeine
Freeze lemons and limes
Set your table in time-honoured positions.
Make a cork pourer.
An americano and a long black: the difference
Bloody marys
Don’t cut the nose off brie
Microlife: The unit of life
Cream tea: Cornwall vs Devon
Scoville scale: chile heat via capsaicin content
Sleepy foods
What’s the difference between mandarins, clementines, satsumas and tangerines?
Origins of mandarins
How to make Irish coffee
Cafe consumption rates
De-seed pomegranates in a bowl of water
Cuts of beef
Cooking at altitude
Use serrated knives for foods with a hard outside and soft inside
Hedgehog a mango
Open bananas like a monkey
The Betty Crocker Effect
The law of diminishing brownies
Roll limes before squeezing and you’ll get more juice
Ghost cooking
If its not good enough for bugs, it’s not good enough for you
Gelato, sorbet and ice-cream
Useful mixtures and their proportions
Use crushed garlic and ginger in most of your cooking
Rules of thumb for cooking steak
Trim beans in one cut through the packet
Open a coconut
Give air a pathway to avoid glugging
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants
3 Miscellaneous cooking tips
Clear the fog with a redeye
Portemanteau food
Wrap cheese in paper towel to reduce mould
When combining cereals, layer milk-resistant cereals at the bottom
Shop healthy
Drink porn fizz
Marshal frozen peas and such
Cook rice like a pro
Buy half-price stilton after Christmas
Tiredness can kill. Take a break
Be fanatical about refuelling after exercise
Twist your spaghetti
Compliment and Complement
Adjust your daily caffeine intake
Cut an onion into teeny pieces
Smaller plates help you eat less
Turn carrots while cutting
Make a Wayne’s World pizza
Pack food shopping effectively