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Explaining the world one sketch at a time

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Big Ideas Little Pictures: Explaining the world one sketch at a time

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Absorb big ideas with crystal-clear understanding through this collection of 135 visual explanations. Including 24 exclusive new sketches and enhanced versions of classic favourites, each page shares life-improving ideas through beautifully simple illustrations.

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Hi, I'm Jono 👋

I'm an author and illustrator creating one of the world's largest libraries of hand-drawn sketches explaining the world—sketch-by-sketch.

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Chart showing the chances of getting what you want if you ask for what you want vs if you don't

Asking for What You Want

It took me a long time in my professional life to learn that my chances of getting what I wanted increased significantly if I asked for it. It seems obvious, but somehow, between politeness, awkwardness, fear of rejection, or humility, I forgot. As a child, I had no hesitation in asking for things. But somewhere along the way, I got out of the habit. Like in a relationship, asking for what you want avoids others having to guess—and potentially getting it wrong. If no one knows what you need, it's easy to feel overlooked, even when no one meant to ignore you. That's not to say asking is easy or without risk. Social norms, power dynamics, and biases mean that the same request can be received very differently depending on who asks. In some cases, asking outright might even backfire. But when possible, asking remains a powerful tool. Sometimes, asking is an obligation. If you're seething with resentment because you stayed late at work when you really needed to be back early today, that serves no one very well. You might do a worse job and be unhappy to boot. If there's something you need to be happy in your job and your manager doesn't know, it's hard for them to help. Twenty years ago, my wife and I went on an expedition to climb Mt Kenya. As we reached camp on the second day of hiking, one group member shared that he couldn't eat any foods containing gluten. By then, finding alternatives was challenging—the meals had been planned and packed days before—and jeopardised the whole trip. To ask for what you want, you must first figure out what you want. This isn't always straightforward, and it's easy to drift along without thinking about what you'd like and where you want to go. Doing the hard work to figure that out helps you and those you work with when planning and opportunities for change arise. You might never get what you ask for. But I've found that even when I didn't get what I wanted at the time, I sometimes got what I asked for later. When people know what you're looking for, they're more likely to think of you when the right moment comes. Is there something you want but haven't actually asked for? Maybe now's the time. Related Ideas Also see: Leading from Any Chair Manager time, maker time What Drives Us: Autonomy Mastery Purpose Whose Job Is It?: The Responsibility Poem The Accountability Ladder
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What is the Blur Your Eyes Test for testing designs and communication for structure showing an example of little and clear structure

The Blur Your Eyes Test

The blur your eyes test is a way to evaluate the big picture and clarity of communication and designs by squinting to blur your eyes. Good designs give you a sense of the structure, even through a blurry lens. Poor designs leave you no wiser. What is the blur your eyes test? The blur your eyes test is a practical first screen for evaluating most communication, even if you don't consider yourself a designer. It works because it's simple and tests whether you're making life easy for the reader. To try it, head to a well-designed web page and squint until your vision is blurred. Can you still get an idea of the page even without seeing the details? If I blur my eyes, where do I expect the key message to be, and what are the supporting messages? Where do I expect to click if I want to continue? My team probably got sick of me squinting my eyes, asking them to do the same, and reporting that it wasn't apparent to me what to expect. Because people naturally skim content, making it as easy as possible to understand your message is essential. Clear hierarchy. Obvious next steps. It's also why Happy Talk Must Die and why wireframes and low-fidelity prototyping are helpful. Communicating with Busy People I spent a little time with Stanford design Professor Larry Leifer. Like all Professors, people constantly inundated him with requests for his time and expertise—I sometimes wonder how talented academics cope. If you were writing to him—or anyone—you could help him and yourself by being clear. Clear was not just in the message and the words you wrote but also in the structure of your writing. He told me that he felt you should be able to narrow your eyes to blur your vision and still see the basic structure of an email: greeting, intro or context, ask, sign off. Well-structured emails were more likely to get his attention and response because you'd made it easy for him to deal with. I've applied that tiny snippet of advice thousands of times since when writing emails, Slack messages, product releases, announcements, invitations, page designs, banners, chats and articles. As I reviewed more and more designs, I would use it to check, "Are we making this easy for the reader?" And yes, I also use it for Sketchplanations. Try blurring your eyes on past sketches and see if you think they pass—I'm sure I don't always manage it. It's also part of why I love the idea sketch format on which I've based so many sketches. The blur-your-eyes test works to communicate with busy people—and we're all busy people when we're trying to find what we want on the internet. As a separate lesson, another Stanford Professor, Bernie Roth, also taught me that a short, polite, timely rejection is much more valuable than a delayed, in-depth rejection. Ideas Related to the Blur Your Eyes Test Also see: Design for a Glance, a Look, and a Read Inverted Pyramid writing Happy talk must die Omit unnecessary words The Minto Pyramid Principle Short Words are Best How to Speak Plainly
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The One in a Row principle: the way it all starts - with a person pushing over the first bowling pin — wisdom from Matthew McConaughey

One in a Row

Any success takes one in a row. Do one thing well, then another. Once, then once more. Over and over until the end, then it's one in a row again. — Matthew McConaughey From the book Greenlights Big things start small. It's easy to get caught up in trying to do everything at once, but you have to start somewhere. You don't need to complete the whole row today. Every sustained success starts with the first one. Sketchplanations started as one in a row. After the first few successes, the power of streaks can take over. Oh, and never miss twice. I created a series of sketches on getting started. Find them at: Greenlights is full of fun stories. I highly recommend the audiobook of Greenlights with Matthew McConaughey's full-of-life performance—like no other audiobook I've listened to. Related Ideas to the One-in-a-Row Principle Also see: The Doorstep Mile The First Draft is Always Perfect Benefits to Getting Started Eat the Frog
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One-Buttock Playing: Benjamin Zander's term for how the music moves us

One-buttock playing

This week, I released a short second collection of piano-based tracks called Deep Down and Not Forgotten. Listen on Spotify Listen on other Music platforms May I ask a favour? If you enjoy the music, would you please click to save/like on each track or the album to help others find it? Thank you. If you want to follow me as an artist that also helps. My sketch this week is related: one-buttock playing. What is One-Buttock Playing? We all experience the power of music to move us either as players or listeners. In his entertaining and insightful TED talk about The Transformative Power of Classical Music, Benjamin Zander begins with a memorable sequence of imitating a child learning to play the piano. With each new year of practice, the child's playing becomes more gentle, more accomplished, and more emotional. When playing as if an eleven-year-old, now leaning into the music, only one buttock in contact with the piano stool, Ben Zander says, "I don't know how we got into this position. I didn't say, 'I'm going to move my shoulder over, move my body.' No, the music pushed me over, which is why I call it one-buttock playing." He goes on to say, "You know, a gentleman was once watching a presentation I was doing, when I was working with a young pianist. He was the president of a corporation in Ohio. I was working with this young pianist, and said, 'The trouble with you is you're a two-buttock player. You should be a one-buttock player.' I moved his body while he was playing. And suddenly, the music took off. It took flight. The audience gasped when they heard the difference. Then I got a letter from this gentleman. He said, 'I was so moved. I went back and I transformed my entire company into a one-buttock company.'" Reaching Flow, Getting in the Zone For me, one-buttock playing means going with the music, letting it take you, and being fully involved, ignoring everything else. It's like reaching a state of Flow, or, as in Pixar's movie Soul, being in "the Zone." And as a more general metaphor, one-buttock playing is a fun reminder to give your all to an activity and be in the moment. Also, buttock is just a funny word. There are many ways to get into Flow. You can be in Flow working on a spreadsheet. But no spreadsheet has the same effect that music can or matches how I feel when playing and composing on the piano (have a listen). Expertise and One-Buttock Playing Zander doesn't mention it in his talk, but expertise is key to one-buttock playing. The younger pianists he emulates don't experience one-buttock playing—they're too busy trying to play the damn piece properly in the first place. One-buttock playing emerges only when they are skilful enough and know the piece inside and out. In other words, to lose yourself in the emotion or expression of a piece of music or a challenge, you must first master the craft. Once the execution is the baseline, you create space to focus on the expression. So it is, I think, with all pursuits. Picasso could sketch with abandon because he'd first mastered painting. Shakespeare could play with language because he'd first mastered it. Federer could make tennis look like an art form because his mastery of the fundamentals gave him freedom on the court. A great CEO can take a company to new heights only when the team executes the basics like clockwork. Replicate, then innovate. You may remember Benjamin Zander from the leadership sketch Leading from Any Chair Related Ideas to One-Buttock Playing Also see: Collective Effervescence: the magic of shared experience The Absorbing Power of a Labyrinth 5 Ways to Wellbeing Forest Bathing Flow Match Challenge with Skills for Flow at Work Goldilocks Tasks Sit Down Without Any Music Live in the Present
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The Chinese Zodiac calendar featuring the 12 zodiac animals, their personality traits, and corresponding years from 2025 to 2036. Includes traditional Chinese New Year symbols like lanterns, red envelopes, and firecrackers.

The Chinese Zodiac: Animals, Years, and Meanings

The Chinese Zodiac is a yearly cycle of 12 animals who finished first in the Jade Emperor's Great Race. Chinese New Year 2025 marks the start of the Year of the Snake, followed by the Year of the Horse in 2026, and so on through the 12 Chinese zodiac animals. The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon—lunisolar—meaning the New Year shifts slightly each year. Also known as the Spring Festival, the New Year marks the shift between Winter and Spring. It begins on the new moon that appears between 21 January and 20 February, typically falling between late January and mid-February. Celebrations continue until the Lantern Festival, 15 days later. Chinese Zodiac Animals and Personality Traits Each Chinese zodiac sign is thought to shape the personality of those born in that year. If you were born in the Year of the Rat, you might be quick-witted and charming, while those born in the Year of the Dragon are often confident and enthusiastic. I always forget the full list of Chinese New Year animals—it's one of those things that's beyond 7 ± 2 and just won't stick in my head. So here it is, for future reference: Rat — Charming, Quick-witted Ox — Patient, Determined Tiger — Brave, Competitive Rabbit — Gentle, Compassionate Dragon — Confident, Enthusiastic Snake — Wise, Intuitive Horse — Energetic, Independent Goat (Sheep) — Calm, Creative Monkey — Witty, Curious Rooster — Hardworking, Observant Dog — Loyal, Honest Pig — Generous, Diligent The Legend of the Great Race: Why These 12 Animals? The Chinese zodiac animals are from an old legend: the Great Race. The Jade Emperor, Chinese mythology's ruler of all gods, hosted a great race across a river. The first 12 animals to finish would earn a place in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Cat and Rat, who were friends, hitched a ride on the back of Ox, who slowly swam through the river's deep water. As they crossed, Rat moved, knocking Cat into the river, but it was too dangerous to go back. As Ox neared the other bank, Rat jumped off, swimming the final metres and winning first place. Meanwhile, Dragon, despite being powerful, stopped to help others and finished fifth. Cat was left behind and finished last with a new dislike for rats. Variations in Other Countries Not all countries use the exact same Chinese zodiac signs. Vietnam, for example, swaps out two animals: The Rabbit is replaced by the Cat The Ox is replaced by the Water Buffalo Chinese New Year Symbols and Traditions Chinese New Year is full of traditions designed to bring good fortune: Red envelopes (hóngbāo) – Given to children and unmarried adults, filled with money as a symbol of luck and prosperity. Lanterns – Hung up or released into the sky, symbolizing brightness and good fortune. Firecrackers – Set off to scare away evil spirits and welcome the Lunar New Year with a bang. Red and gold – The most common colours in Chinese New Year decorations, representing happiness, wealth, and good luck. Other beliefs and traditions include: washing your hair can wash out your luck for the year giving oranges and tangerines to hosts as symbols of abundant happiness sweeping and cleaning the house to sweep away ill fortune decorating windows and doors with red paint, paper cutouts and banners giving respect and honour to gods and ancestors. Chinese Zodiac List from 2025 to 1945 Not sure of your animal or your child's? You can find yours in this list (unless you're over 80). If your birthday is before the Chinese New Year in January, then your animal will belong to the year before (rather like for birthday creep). 2025 – Snake 2024 – Dragon 2023 – Rabbit 2022 – Tiger 2021 – Ox 2020 – Rat 2019 – Pig 2018 – Dog 2017 – Rooster 2016 – Monkey 2015 – Goat 2014 – Horse 2013 – Snake 2012 – Dragon 2011 – Rabbit 2010 – Tiger 2009 – Ox 2008 – Rat 2007 – Pig 2006 – Dog 2005 – Rooster 2004 – Monkey 2003 – Goat 2002 – Horse 2001 – Snake 2000 – Dragon 1999 – Rabbit 1998 – Tiger 1997 – Ox 1996 – Rat 1995 – Pig 1994 – Dog 1993 – Rooster 1992 – Monkey 1991 – Goat 1990 – Horse 1989 – Snake 1988 – Dragon 1987 – Rabbit 1986 – Tiger 1985 – Ox 1984 – Rat 1983 – Pig 1982 – Dog 1981 – Rooster 1980 – Monkey 1979 – Goat 1978 – Horse 1977 – Snake 1976 – Dragon 1975 – Rabbit 1974 – Tiger 1973 – Ox 1972 – Rat 1971 – Pig 1970 – Dog 1969 – Rooster 1968 – Monkey 1967 – Goat 1966 – Horse 1965 – Snake 1964 – Dragon 1963 – Rabbit 1962 – Tiger 1961 – Ox 1960 – Rat 1959 – Pig 1958 – Dog 1957 – Rooster 1956 – Monkey 1955 – Goat 1954 – Horse 1953 – Snake 1952 – Dragon 1951 – Rabbit 1950 – Tiger 1949 – Ox 1948 – Rat 1947 – Pig 1946 – Dog 1945 – Rooster Caveat: I am not Chinese or Asian and have gathered this information from many sources over the years. Let me know if something needs correcting. Others The Chinese zodiac years are one of those things I feel like I ought to remember but always forget. Others in the same bucket for me: The NATO alphabet The Greek alphabet Celsius and Fahrenheit Party bottle sizes
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Snerdle meaning in English: To wrap up snugly beneath the covers and ignore the world. 18th Century dialect. By Sketchplanations


How many things are much nicer than wrapping yourself snugly under the covers in bed and ignoring the world for a little longer? That's the meaning of the 18th-century dialect word Snerdle. Snerdle (verb) is from Yorkshire dialectologist Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary. He gives the definition of snerdle, with examples, as: SNERDLE, v. [snə̄·dl.] To nestle closely; to wrap up comfortably in bed; to go comfortably off to sleep. “Snerdle the child up; make it comfortable.” “The children are snerdling together nicely.” “I think the baby will soon snerdle off.” Shared by British lexicographer and etymologist Susie Dent in her book Word Perfect: Etymological Entertainment Every Day, snerdling suits a grey, chilly, rainy winter day—which is what we have here—or, at times, hiding from current events. Susie also lets us know: "Snuzzle, snoodge, and snerdle: all verbs in the English Dialect Dictionary for snuggling under the covers as though your life depended on it." Like snerdling? There's also the old Scottish word hurkle-durkle. Hurkle-durkling is revelling in staying in bed long after you should have gotten up. Aaah, bliss. More Fun Words Apricity: the warmth of winter sun Kaffikok: the distance you can travel before needing a cup of coffee Vorfreude: the pleasure of anticipation Schadenfreude: pleasure at someone else's misfortune Greeble: elements that give detail and scale and make something look more advanced Word spectrums Days of the week: the Norse gods among us The Order of Adjectives in English Tsundoku: acquiring books and letting them pile up without reading them Halfalogue: hearing half of a phone conversation The virtuous cycle of exercise and sleep
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