Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Thanks to my awesome patrons

These folks help keep me sketching Sketchplanations for everyone through their support of a small monthly amount through Patreon :

Iain Shaw, Anthony Hey, Christian Hunt, Michelle Chabbott, Lama Majdalani, Bob Watkins, Douglas Frick, Elena Whitaker, Tim Capozzi, Andy Carle, Colby Hanks, Scott Carter, Diana Hadley, Ryan Austin, Ellie Lewis, Nicola Bell, Benjamin Merrick, Kevin Cox, Ben Le Huray, Andy Drexler, Amy Sparks, Philip Baer, Roger Miles, Simon Wannop, Burl Carpenter, John Kaye, Ali Greene, Iris B Ailin-Pyzik, Eric Burke, Amelia, Nate Pink, Joni Renee, Monique Binkhorst, Tomas Conefrey, Jonathan Gauchat, Lynne Hamilton, Christine Müller, William Koehrsen, Kate Rutter, Leigh Reyes, Alison Berzins, Mick Birlin, Megan Amaral, Chris Beckmann, Tina Götschi, Michel Grenier, Michal Bryxí, Colin Huong, Angela Donnelly, Kévin Rocher, Zina Townley, Scott Carpenter, Krishna Sundharan, Nicole Colbeck, Noel Freidline, Kuta Michael, Vanessa Englert, Elise Schon, William Young, Bennett Frazier, Ali Hood, Walter Treichel, Clarke Ching, Brian Maguire, Roy Shelef, Marc Bledsoe, Matthew Farrow, Roland Vikström, Andrea Badelt, Andyveryhandy, Quintin Balsdon, Rob Vance, Tony, Spence Lloyd, Grant Rykken, Matt Zweig, Billy Higgins, Doug Beatty, Marko Pfann, Nick Melistas, Peter Fae, Matt Seccafien, Rachel Patterson, Roberta Pomponio, Krishna, Manuel Pais, Zina Townley, Tami Ellis, Emma Asher, Joyce Abma, Brian Summa, Tom Edds, James Gentes, Cooper Lex, Brian Maguire, Michael Bachman, Wanno Drijfhout, Godfrey Saldanha, Niall, Marco Pot, Anne, Jon Ward, Alison Lewis, Brandon, Tina, Your Brain on Facts Podcast , Brian Fulmer, Tenten, Ian Brown, Dr Anu Anna Jossan, Carlo Gandolfo, Craig Moffitt, Charlie Aylott, Anna Illingworth, Venkat Iyer, Björn Jensen, NG, Georgiana Bitca, Christos Georgiou, Alex, Clark Nelson, Marcella Recher and to my anonymous patrons too.

You are brilliant.

For every patron I donate to buy 5 trees a month as well as using the money to run the newsletter, develop the website and keep it all going.

A particular shout out to Nick Hungerford, Michelle Chabbott, Iain Shaw, Christian Hunt and Lama Majdalani for their incredibly generous support.

And these former patrons helped support me for a time. I’m super grateful: Unnikrishnan S, Christi Barrett, Tucker FitzGerald, Kim Fuller, Hayley King, Robin Métral, Casey Lord, Christopher Hey, Kareem Bullard, Orwell, Sniffdoz, Jeff Doss, Adriana

You can support me  from as little as $1/mo and at only $5/mo you get access to the full archive of high-res sketchplanations for your use.

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