Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Our senses are built to take in information at human pace

Our senses are built to take in information at human pace illustration showing more input as you go from cars and trains to bikes and walking
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I believe I first heard this on a Radiolab  episode, but I can’t remember for sure. Since then, I’ve reflected on it many times and cannot help but think it has some truth.

For me, this explains why we’re not very good at processing the scenery as we drive or take a train and why cycling and walking are the best ways to get around.

In The Art of Travel , Alain de Botton makes some great observations about why trains are great for thinking. I think this has a lot to do with having time to think. We have a helpful intermission of the semi-connected landscape and houses passing by that we can only process for so long before we return to our thoughts. I love trains.

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